Awal tahun pelajaran 2020/2021 kelas 7 SMP Adzkia I, Deana mendapat tawaran dan terpilih untuk mengikuti les Bhs. Inggris di sekolahnya SMP IT ADZKIA. Tetapi selama 2,5 bulan dari awal tahun ajaran dia tidak belajar mapel-mapel yang lainnya. Les mulai jam 10.00 sd Jam 15.00 tiap hari senin sd. jum'at. Perlu di ketahui pembelajaran di sekolah sd. sekarang masih PTM terbatas ( pembelajaran tatap muka terbatas ) karena situasi masih pandemi Covid-19 Level 2.
Berikut contoh hasil les walaupun sifatnya masih hafalan :
Berikut les tugas akhir, berupa hafalan teks dalam bahasa Inggris :
Semangaaattt, ..................... anaku dan selamat belajar terus tanpa mengenal lelah demi cita-citamu yang telah menunggumu. Selamat dan sukses. Aamiin ya Roball'alamiin.
Hi I am Deana and i am seven grade
Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
Alhamdulillahirobil’alamiin, wabihi nasta’in ala umuriddun ya
Wassalatu wassalamu ala assrofil anbya iwal mursalin,
sayyidina muhammadin salaulaaihi wasaalam. Amaba’du.
The honorable my teacher and my beloved friends.
Good afthernoon, I hope we are all in the good health.
Today I would convey the speech with the topic.
Unlike other parts of the world, Islam. spread across Southeast Asia without major conquests. local people converting to Islam in Indonesia currently no date. further back than the 13th century.
unlike in the Middle East, North Africa and South Asia, where it falls under
What changed in the 13th century?
Trade routes have played a role in the spread of Islam. For example, there is a large Hadrami Arab community from Yemen in Indonesia. The 15th-century Chinese Muslim admiral Zheng He is often credited with aiding the spread. Islam on the Indonesian island of Java.
Surrounded by water, Indonesia, consisting of thousands of islands, has the best land for farming and its people rely mostly on maritime trade.
Puppet shows are a big part of Indonesian Culture.
The giant doll called «ondel-ondel»> is also an important part of Indonesian culture
In recent years, these Indonesian religious groups have been in the spotlight amid concerns that hardliners are starting to dominate political discourse. Osman sees the problem when the current debate is framed around the question of whether 'Islamists' are on the rise - a narrative that, he says, was fueled after the strong appearance of Islamist groups in the 1999 national elections. Even in the previously contested 1955 general election, Islamic groups have
garnered about 40-45 percent of the vote, Osman said.
Maybe its enough for me, thank you for your best attention.
Wr. Wb.
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